Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lots of firsts in July!

This month has been a month of firsts for John Michael!

He got his first 2 teeth on the bottom, and he has been practicing using them on us (ouch!).
Pretty soon we plan to introduce real food and not just this mushy stuff.

He also began sitting up and does so in an interesting way. He lays on his stomach and then pushes himself from the one side stomach crunches for our little chunky bellied boy! :)

Last week we went to Orange Beach with Gigi and Aunt Amy, and John Michael loved playing in the sand and the ocean (another first). He especially enjoyed trying to drink the salt water. He is pretty fearless...all boy I guess!

And now, just this week, he has learned how to pull himself up and stand. In fact, we had to lower his mattress in his crib when we found him peering out over the side looking like he was going to jump. Somehow, he still is able to pull himself up to stand even with the lowered mattress and even though he is partially swaddled, but at least now it doesn't look like he can fall or jump out!

But now that he has figured out how to stand easily, he has to keep it interesting and try different tricks like letting one hand go and balancing or letting both hands go and plopping on his bottom.

Thankfully, he hasn't figured out how to crawl yet. Instead, he rolls and rotates around to get closer to something.

I imagine August will prove to be a very busy month with lots of baby-proofing of the house!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Yes, sir!
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At PDK, checking out the planes!

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Laugh, Laugh, Laugh

If you are having a bad day, watch this...

John Michael is 7 months old!

(this is my favorite)
(7 months w/ attitude)
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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting ready for the Peachtree Road Race

The country's largest 10k is 2 days away.